When it comes to pure numbers, SMBs actually outweigh larger corporations by a long margin. Recent data suggests that there are around 30 million companies with less than 500 employees in the US – a staggering cumulative total of 99.7% of all businesses. According to recent estimates, over 80% of these businesses (SMBs) agree that the use of technology has been pivotal to their current success. Nearly 45% also say that digital tools enhance employee satisfaction. Technology has been a key enabler for SMBs and has enabled small businesses to unlock progressively greater levels of productivity, remain responsive to changing market situations, and agile enough to quickly adapt to changing customer demands. Advanced technology solutions by Managed IT Support Joplin can help your business carve out a leading place in the market.
The Role and Importance of Technology in Business
Enable Better Communication
Technology has a key role to play when it comes to simplifying and ensuring simplest connectivity across the length and breadth of your business. This is especially important in times where remote work has become the standard. This is where it’s critical for organizations to get their IT strategy right in order to ensure seamless communication internally and externally. Since companies are dependent on technology for connecting with their customers as well, it is important for them to keep abreast with the latest developments such as new email marketing tactics or new ways of sharing data across the company with the help of digital platforms.
Date-informed Decision Making
Going forward, the ability to better leverage data and make data-driven decisions are what will set one company apart from another in defining their competitive edge. Technology can help enormously in streamlining your decision-making process through accurate data inputs and analytical insights – whether it be customer data, beam deflection calculator software, CRM software, or competitor insights. Technology can also facilitate error free reporting and guaranteed accuracy in your metrics from different facets of your business such as finance, marketing and customer engagement. The various data inputs and analytical insights can help your company understand it’s strengths and weaknesses thoroughly, and strategize on how to patch weaknesses and leverage current strengths to reach business goals.
Honing Your Competitive Edge
Customers these days are loath to associate with a brand that does not have a vibrant and trustworthy digital presence. This is why it’s crucial for your business to invest early in technical tools to differentiate your brand from that of competitors – so they cannot match your brand value – even if they end up out-spending you. You need advanced computer technology on your side in order to drive traffic and boost sales. You can start by checking out IT Consulting Joplin.

3 Key Ways Technology Increases Productivity
Automates Workflows and Processes
Automation is going to be the way forward for businesses across industries. Companies that are able to leverage automation early will accrue huge benefits over its competition. The most significant benefit of automation comes from its ability to streamline complex workflows and processes. This is particularly true for highly repetitive, time-consuming daily tasks that can zap your workers’ energy, leave enormous room for error and actually decrease productivity. Fortunately, there are highly effective automation tools available for every department from marketing to Human Resources and operations. Once you get rid of recurring and monotonous tasks, you are able to better harness your workers’ energy, creativity and skills to carry out higher orders of tasks that contribute directly to your innovation, creativity and your bottom line. Most importantly, enabling automation in your daily work processes streamlines them, enhances productivity and reduces the scope of error.
Enables Better Strategic Planning and Time Management
Strategic planning is a necessity for organizations looking for long-term stability and growth. Companies need to have a stable vision of where they want to go in 5, 10 and 15 years and how their current technological capacities can drive them towards that desired goal. Time management is also a critical element in ensuring both the desired levels of productivity and attaining goals or milestones. For time management, simple technical tools such as scheduling applications like Google Calendar can be integrated with any productivity tracker app. This can also help you set reminders, and schedule events and brainstorming sessions for better collaboration among your employees. If you happen to have a lot of remote employees on your payroll, time tracking tools like Time Doctor can help you keep track of remote employees’ progress and pace. This allows for better collaboration and improved efficiencies in the long run.
Simplify Your Process of Attaining Goals
While it’s critical for your company to have a vision of where you want to go, it is equally important for you to have the right technical tools and processes to reach desired goals. The process, in particular, can be made much simpler by just having highly detailed and organized plans of action. The habit of goal-setting, by itself, allows you a degree of power over the process. And technology can play a key role here to help you create and follow your own blueprint for goal-setting and attainment. Even having something as small as a to-do list and reminder apps on your smartphone can help you significantly in this regard. You can record your goals and even set up daily, weekly, and monthly reminders that help you prioritize and manage your workflows and schedules better. Business Continuity Services add one of the most trusted advanced Technology Consultants in Joplin.

James Richards is a serial jelly bean eater with over 30 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. Growing up around the first generation of home computers, he always had a strong interest in technology and is continually grateful to be in a profession that he honestly enjoys. James is a problem solver who’s vision to provide quality is the foundation of Stronghold Data. His goal is to deliver solutions for customers that truly impress them with the outcome. His authenticity and compassion for his team and clients extends into the community with his active leadership roles.